This Yashica 44 LM comes with an original leather carrying case and two rolls of Fotokemika Efke R100 100 ISO 127 size. The leather carrying case has been very worn out, there is a rip at the buckle, and has been sewn together. The extreme wear on the carrying case gives the 44 LM a vintage look.
- Yashica 44 LM SN: 166100284
- Yashica 60mm f/3.5 SN: 558717
- Fotokemika Efke R100 100 ISO 127 size SN: 100127
Efke films are manufactured using classic emulsions with very high silver content. This results in a large grayscale reproduction. The Efke 25, 50, and 100 films are made using the ADOX formulas that were first introduced back in the late 1940s.
Unlike modern flat crystal films, which are very unforgiving to use, these films allow beginners to produce quality images. The nature of the film also easily allows large, grain-free, enlargements to be made from negatives.
The 44 LM is a more elaborate version of the 44, with a selenium-cell light meter and a greatly-restyled appearance to the camera. It has the Copal-SV shutter of the 44, and the bayonet for lens attachments. Whereas on the other two models, the shutter speed and aperture are set with controls at the rim of the shutter unit, The 44LM has a small knurled thumb-wheel for each (the shutter speed control is the right-hand wheel) with the setting shown in a window at the top (visible and adjustable with the camera in the normal photographing position). The 44 LM has knob wind, but with automatic frame spacing (again, once frame 1 is set with the red window).
Yashica also upgraded the lens to a 4-element Tessar-type 60mm f/3.5 Yashinon. There is a dial to interpret the meter reading in the face of the film advance knob. A variant of this model may have appeared in some markets under the name Yashica Auto 44.
This camera takes 127 film which we have a few rolls of and will include with the camera but it can also be converted to shoot 35mm film, which is pretty cool.
You can see a video (we did not produce) here on how to do it: